DOI:Ключові слова:
idiostyle, linguistic and stylistic features, phraseological units, functional style, fictionАнотація
The results of the linguo-stylistic analysis of the phraseological units singled out from Lucy-Maud Montgomery's novel “Anne of Green Gables” are highlighted in the study. It is outlined that phraseology is part of the culture of the people, and therefore, without proper knowledge and understanding of certain phraseological units it is very difficult to understand the national character, way of thinking of native speakers or the intention of the author of the literary work. Due to the constant development and enrichment of the language with new stable expressions, as well as their widespread use in fiction, there is a constant need to study the linguistic phenomenon analyzed in the article. It is noted that phraseological units are stable combinations of two or more words that create semantic integrity and are reproduced in the process of speech as ready-made verbal formulas. Lucy Maude Montgomery’s novel “Anne of Green Gables” was exploited for the study. The linguo-stylistic analysis of the phraseological units from Lucy-Maud Montgomery’s novel under scrutiny demonstrated that the most numerous and frequently used were groups of idioms, social expressions and figurative expressions. The least recurrent in the analyzed work were scientific and technical expressions, official business formulas and statements, as well as proverbs, which was explained by Lucy-Maud Montgomery’s idiostyle and limited use of these groups of phraseological units in fiction depicting the lives of ordinary people.
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