DOI:Ключові слова:
semantic features, communicative and pragmatic features, lexical and grammatical structure, binomial, binary phrases, term.Анотація
The article deals with specific paired phrases - English binomials and binary terminological combinations, their semantic and communicative-pragmatic features. Binomials are stable pairs of words that function as a single lexical unit, the meaning of which is not the sum of the values of its components. Conventionally, binomials are divided into groups based on the structure, compatibility, and semantic characteristics. Particular attention is drawn to the semantic classification, which considers these unique language formations in terms of the diversity of their meanings and imagery.Reference has been made to the reasons for the need to study the concept of binomial, its semantic and communicative-pragmatic features are outlined. Among them it is necessary to distinguish those that contain only one primary meaning, which follows from the full composition in the specified context, and there are also inversions, the meaning of which is quite difficult to find because of their ambiguity. According to lexical and grammatical features of the constituent parts binomials are divided into single-class and multi-class. Single-class binomials include nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, numerals, conjunctions, and prepositions that form word combinations. Multi-class binomials consist of words related to different parts of speech and are combined by a conjunction that indicates two similar or opposite signs, objects, phenomena or actions. The article reveals the communicative and pragmatic features of English binomials in the literary style on the example of English literary works and binary terminological phrases in the scientific style, on the example of medical terminology, as one of the largest terminological systems. The research of 85 English binomials in the literary style and 100 binary terminological phrases in the scientific style made it possible to determine their semantic and communicative-pragmatic features.Посилання
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