DOI:Ключові слова:
telescopy, word formation, formation models, blends, media discourse, contamination, translation methods and strategies.Анотація
A new area of research in modern linguistics is a variety of media resources, including the global Internet, which is not only the information accumulation environment, but also the source of new language units’ emergence from various fields of science and technology, human life and work. The peculiarity of vocabulary development and enrichment is the developed ability of national languages to express the unknown through the known, to denote the new with the help of existing signs. One of such ways of word “creative” formation is the telescopy, or contamination. This article focuses on the study of such linguistic phenomenon as a “telescopic unit” in the media discourse. The authors begin the study with the general overview of the main features, typology and characteristicsof telescopic units, or blends. In addition, they describe blends’ main formation models. At the same time, special attention is paid to the main translation methods of telescopic units, their peculiarities and differences. The research paper also presents the various blends’ translation techniques and strategies, key tips essential to ensure the most exact and adequate transition of English telescopic units into Ukrainian. Given the variety of ways to form blends, the diversity of their meanings and expressive connotation, it is often difficult to find an appropriate translation method for further adequate decoding. And the actual lack of telescopic units’ dictionaries increases the need for further study of the sources and formation mechanisms of these neologisms for their more accurate translation. The study encourages the idea of further research in the sphere of a contamination phenomenon. The results of this study can assist any interpreter in adequate telescopic units’ translation.
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