https://doi.org/10.20535/2617-5339.2020.5.200715Ключові слова:
swear words, film translation, audiovisual translation, subtitling, translation transformations, intercultural adaptation.Анотація
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the translation of German-language subtitles with the swear words into the Ukrainian language. The basic translation transformations, which a translator can use by transmitting obscene words and expressions during the movie translation are considered. The analysis was made of subtitles in English and Russian for the German comedy film “Fack ju Goethe” and a translation of the subtitles into Ukrainian was offered as well. The research identified major difficulties and possible mistakes by translating swear words into foreign languages.It is noted that audiovisual translation is a synthesized process of reproduction and adaptation of video material (film, series, TV show or videos available on the Internet) for the audience of foreign language culture, as a result of which the video material becomes clear and accessible to the recipient and transmits the original. According to the results of the analysis, the difficulty of translating obscene lexical items in films lies in the intercultural adaptation of the language of the characters to the linguistic culture of the target recipient, i.e. the ability to interpret replicas of foreign films so that they come as natural to the viewer. Our vision of solving problems regarding audiovisual translation in the Ukrainian linguistics, in particular in the discourse of the non-normative layer of vocabulary, has been formed.
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