

Ключові слова:



Communication is a key social component of the human life. The electronic communication plays an important role in the media- and information-oriented society. The evolution of electronic communication results in the appearance of numerous forms of communication that define space-time limits of public communication and cause the qualitative transformations in the communicative processes. The article gives the attention to the matters of the German users’ communicative behavior in such popular communicative environments as: WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram. The peculiarities of the communication services studied increase the technical possibilities of the communication process, i.e. they allow to integrate photo, audio, and video in the message text that changes the text parameters. The text that is functioning in the electronic space is characterized by the concise information presenting and gives an insight into the important social, cultural, and political processes in the society. The conciseness as a significant stylistic characteristic of electronic communication texts, in particular: SMS messages, WhatsApp messages, Twitter messages, Instagram messages is achieved by the heavier weight of linguistic means as well as elimination of repetition and unessential details.

Біографія автора

Olena Bezzubova, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

PhD, Associate Professor

National Technical University of Ukraine

“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


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