https://doi.org/10.20535/2617-5339.2018.1.148842Ключові слова:
“I-concept”, “I-image” of the pilot, professional competences, professional “I”.Анотація
The article deals with the problem of a pilot’s I-concept formation as a motivational factor of the acquisition of flight competencies by cadets. The issue of “I-concept” is still not highlighted in the special scientific literature. The author, based on the analysis of existing sources, results of the experiment conducted on the basis of the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of Air Forces, and his own experience of training cadet pilots as well, reveals the significance of the sphere of consciousness, known as “I-concept” (and “I-image” as its component), in the formation of professional competencies of the students. Its motivational role in their training is proved. The dynamics of psych emotional stereotypes, attitudes and rational components of professional self-awareness in the process of obtaining higher education in general and in training in particular is defined. Within the framework of the conducted experiment, the main characteristics of the future pilot’s personality were formulated, as well as the ways of their formation due to the expedient modification of educational conditions; the markers and criteria for evaluating their development were singled out. In the paper we have outlined such psychological and didactic components of the self-image of the future military pilot as: awareness, interest and need for planning and the actual ability to work productively in the direction of acquiring a system of knowledge, skills and opportunities to solve professional flight tasks; the orientation of the cadet on the didactic sensitivity to the introduction of modern technologies of training and interest in IT technologies; subjective vision of themselves as a highly professional and highly motivated specialists; objective vision and assessment by the instructor-teaching staff of external (competent) and internal (psychological) professional qualities of the cadet. To test the hypothesis and the experimental formation of such an image, a number of psychological-didactic methods and practices were implemented. The article also highlights the importance of training, which has great potential for diagnosing and correcting professionally significant qualities.
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