DOI:Ключові слова:
The Canterbury Tales, linguocultural type, linguoculture, linguopersonology.Анотація
The article deals with the contemporary studies of the linguocultural types. The research is mainly based on “The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer, a medieval literary masterpiece that has become crucial for the further development of the English language and literature. Although this literary work has been widely studied and discussed by the different scientists it still lacks the research from the viewpoint of linguocultural studies and linguopsychology. Thus, the authors focus their attention on such characters of “The Canterbury Tales” as the Knight and the Wife of Bath considering them as the linguocultural types of the Knight and Feminist and illustrating their conclusions with the examples from the original masterpiece and its Ukrainian translation. The article briefly outlines the prospects for further study of classical literature in terms of linguocultural, linguopersonological and semiotical studies. The authors believe that the study will contribute not only to the further development of the linguocultural types theory, but also to the in-depth consideration of the types represented in “The Canterbury Tales”, as well as their representatives in the world literary heritage.
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