DOI:Ключові слова:
surname, anthroponymic context, semantic connotation, linguistic picture of the Ukrainian world.Анотація
The article highlights diachronically how the unique anthroponymic phenomenon – surnames – appears, develops and functions in the language picture of the Ukrainian world. Proper nouns in general and surnames in particular, as a linguistic and national phenomenon, and a kind of ethnocultural marker, serve as a source for the study of national history, ethnography and culture. Being a means of the ethnic group experience retention, surnames preserve and pass from generation to generation the information about the nature, laws of human behavior or psychology, aesthetic values. Ethnoculturally, anthroponymic units feature the ability to preserve certain realia of the past and present inherent in the national culture. The article analyzes in detail etymological sources of surnames, cultural and historical substantiation, and semantic connotations emphasizing their identity in the East Slavic anthroponymic context. The article also considers individual semantic groups of surnames and the most frequent word formation models. The article proves surnames to be a unique lexical layer in the language picture of the world, most of them still being an organic form of word formation, a mental semantic concept, a bunch of culture in human consciousness.
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