DOI:Ключові слова:
binomials, pragmatic aspect, semantic group, functional group, phraseological unitsАнотація
The article is dedicated to the pragmatic aspect of binomials functioning in the English language and their translation into Ukrainian. In particular, the study defines semantical, structural and functional characteristics of binomials and provides their classification. It describes pragmatic functions of binomials, general difference in their usage in the English and Ukrainian languages and the ways of their pragmatic adaptation while translating. The study investigates the ways of translating binomials according to their functional and semantic group, style and pragmatic function. The results of the analysis demonstrate differences in the stock and usage of binomials in the compared languages. The ways of binomials translation can also give evidence to the contacts between cultures and present-day tendency towards globalization. The peculiarity of the translation of phraseologisms is their stylistic marking, cultural specificity - the presence in the language of the original of the realities lacking in the language of translation, or the differences of connotations in the language of translation, as well as, in some contexts, in the game of words - a combination in phraseology of literal and figurative significance. Therefore, the equivalent in content text will not always be pragmatically adequate. To compensate for this loss pragmatic adaptation is applied. It is noted that the translation demonstrates the cohabitation of cultures and the current tendency to globalization.
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