
  • Nataliia R. Kharina
  • Yana H. Tikan



Ключові слова:

evaluation, attitudinal meaning, axiological context, tropes, media text.


The article deals with the study of the role of tropes in the formation of the axiological context of media text. Stylistic means of transferring attitudinal meanings in the English-language media are characterized by brightness of images, expressiveness and emotionality, which creates highly contextual assessments. The texts of the mass media are distinguished by their axiological load and the relief of the author's images. The article deals with the notion of evaluation as a linguistic category. We identified the most commonly used tropes in Barak Obama’s speeches, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's debates, and other materials from The New Yourk Times, The Guardian, The Tellegraph, The Washington Post, The Global Politician, etc., through which explicit attitudinal meanings in English-language media texts of political themes are carried out. It is stated that tropes functioning in the English-language media texts have a high axiological potential because they are characterized by emotionality and expressiveness, being one of the basic means of transferring attitudinal meanings for creating axiological context of the message. The article also focuses on the study of the category of evaluation as an important means of pragmatic influence, its role and means of implementation in media texts. As a result of the analysis of more than three hundred lexical units expressing the attitudinal meaning, selected by means of complete selection, the frequency of using different types of tropes for expressing attitudinal meaning by politicians has been identified. It is highlighted that the most commonly used tropes in English-language media texts are comparisons, metaphors, epithets, oxymoron, irony, sarcasm, metonymy.The specificity of the functioning of tropes and their types as a means of transferring attitudinal meanings in English-language media texts is analyzed and illustrated on examples in the article. It is noted that the evaluation in political discourse is strongly influenced by cultural and national values. The article emphasizes that the use of the tropes in contemporary English-language political media texts contributes to the ambiguity of figurative means, reflects the original picture of the world in a concise form, but it can cause difficulties in interpreting the text and, at the same time, reveals wide opportunities for further scholarly research.


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