DOI:Ключові слова:
a liberal arts education, undergraduate studies, engineering students, global competences, core curriculum, critical thinking.Анотація
The article studies the possibility of liberal arts integration into the undergraduate curriculum of Ukrainian technical universities and colleges in general and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in particular. Having studied the experience of different countries, it was found out that the US colleges are considered the best example of a liberal arts education. In the following research work the author studies the liberal arts programmes of the eight private universities of the United States, which remain the members of the Ivy League, and analyses their education principles, core curriculum, and skills they develop. Describing the two approaches to curriculum arrangement, which are core-type and distribution-type systems, the author studies their distinctive features. Having analysed the programmes offered by the universities under consideration it was found out that the main areas of knowledge include arts and humanities, natural and social sciences and within these areas the core curriculum is compiled. Based on the achieved information there is presented a list of global competencies, each university or college is aimed at. The main global competencies which are typical for all of the studied universities and colleges include critical thinking, cultural awareness, intercultural collaboration, and problem-solving. Having studied the development strategy of I. Sikorsky KPI it is determined that this strategy supports the aims which lay the foundation to the modern liberal arts colleges. The author states that it is impossible to educate the well-rounded, globally-oriented engineering specialists in the 21st century without developing their global competencies and broadening their areas of knowledge. It is suggested to use the obtained knowledge in practice in order to create a curriculum which satisfies the need of the global world.Посилання
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