
  • Tetiana Bondarenko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Україна
  • Olena Miroshnychenko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,


Ключові слова:

conversion, word-formation, notional and functional part of speech, external form, analyticity, source word, derivative word, semantic model, equivalent, translation transformations.


This article is devoted to the investigation of such linguistic phenomenon as conversion, namely its characteristic features in the system of English parts of speech and its translation into Ukrainian. Understanding the conversion forming mechanisms  can significantly expand the wordstock of the English language. For this research a lot of scientific works as well as original English texts of different genres and their Ukrainian translations were studied. It was observed that there are several approaches to understanding this phenomenon, which are more likely to complement, but not contradict each other. It was determined that conversion refers to the main highly-productive types of word-formation. The article illustrates the main characteristics of conversion that distinguish this unique phenomenon among other types of word-formation and define the main reasons why it is so widespread in the English language. The research paper also presents analysis of this unique phenomenon in the system of English notional and functional parts of speech. In addition, the peculiarities of the translating the various semantic models of conversion from English into Ukrainian are properly investigated. For a better understanding, a great number of appropriate examples are given. At the same time, special attention is paid to possible translation difficulties caused by striking differences in the English and Ukrainian languages. The investigation determines the ways of overcoming these difficulties. Moreover, the paper presents analysis of the conversion combinability with other types of word formation and interesting cases of converted phrases, sentences or their parts. The research encourages the idea of further investigation of conversion phenomenon. The results of this study can assist any translator in adequate translation from English into Ukrainian.


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