
  • Viktoriia Rybalka КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, Україна
  • Iryna Voloshchuk КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського,


Ключові слова:

strategy, tactic, communication, speech interaction, provocation.


This article focuses on the study of the provocation strategy in the interview process. Interview is regarded as a specific genre of texts in press. Main components of communicative situations and typical pragmatic manifestations of texts under study have been analyzed. Units of the interview communicative and pragmatic model have been singled out. Basic stylistic, semantic, and pragmatic figures used to actualize the interview texts authors’ communicative intentions and provocative aims have been examined. We discussed the communicative strategy of provocation as a set of speech actions aimed at addressing the communicative goal of the addressee. The most common scientific approaches to understanding communicative strategies in modern linguistics are summarized, and pragmasemantic features of provocation, its specificity, as well as linguistic and speech means of its realization are specified. Dialogical unity is considered, that makes possible coherence and sequence of speech actions in the process of speech act. Dialogical unity is a collection of language and speech means used to realize a specific communicative goal: the evaluation of events, the expression of emotions, or the urge to act. It is also a complex of tactics, careful selection of which ensures the success of communication in the interview process, managing not only the act of communication, but sometimes the opinion of his interlocutor. The concept of provocation, as a consciously constructed, mostly controlled speech act of dialogical interaction between the addressee and the addressee, is disclosed. The article also provides examples of hedging tactics to avoid direct response. It has been found that most tactics in provocation strategies are characterized by persuasion, that is, trying to persuade anyone to impose a certain point of view. Several types of communicative tactics that implement a strategy of provocation are considered: «direct accusation», «indirect accusation», «expression of no confidence», «irony». Each tactic is intended to provoke a certain reaction from the respondent. It has been found out that the provocation strategy is traced only in dialogical unity, which links the sequence of speech actions in a particular communicative situation.


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