

Ключові слова:

English as a lingua franca, specialized languages, EHEA, intercultural communication, ICC assessment


Recent advances in communication technologies, globalization, internet 2.0, mobile communication and social networks, among many other factors, have led to a growth of possibilities of communication between people of different languages and cultures never seen before in the history of the world (Fantini, 2009).

However recent language research highlights the fact that knowledge of the language alone does not guarantee successful communication in international contexts: cultural diversity, intercultural communication competence, cultural intelligence, intercultural sensitivity and intercultural awareness place an emphasis on the intercultural dimension of foreign language education (Zaharna, 2009; Committee for Economic Development, 2006)

In sum, language training in professional settings needs to be customized according to the academic context, social demands and professional profiles of individuals. Existing intercultural communication competence assessment instruments seem to focus on generic needs of learners, based on a generic learning context, and measure the individual’s ability to communicate in a foreign language across cultural boundaries (Byram, 1997: p. 7; Fritz, Möllenberg & Chen 2002: p.166), but at the same time, seem to pay attention to the variable of a specialized context biased by cultural constrains. It seems that universal ICC assessment models are failing to meet actual requirements and training efforts are not aligned with teaching objectives.

Upon identifying the basic dimensions of intercultural communication such as knowledge, attitude and behaviour, this study proposes a revision of different specialized communication settings and ICC instruments from the perspective of professional communication and then review existing research lines to, finally, propose research opportunities from the point of view of specialized languages and contexts.

Біографія автора

Miguel A. Candel-Mora, Universitat Politècnica de València

Associate professor

Applied Linguistics Department

Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain


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