DOI:Ключові слова:
difficulties of audiovisual perception, strategies of audiovisual perception, audiovisual media, audiovisual texts, listening to a video texts, audiovisual skills, foreign language learningАнотація
The article presents a synthesis of the results of many years of research conducted in the framework of my thesis project in the field of audiovisual perception, strategies and difficulties in understanding of audiovisual text. Participants of the study (24 persons) were students learning German, from Kyiv, Ukraine. Two reports, which were pre-selected and analyzed from the Deutsche Welle media portal were used as a research material. The research was conducted on the edge of different spheres of science and is based on the empirical work of media linguistics and psycholinguistics, as well as theoretical and empirical studies of the sphere of audiovisual perception of the theory and methodology of teaching a foreign language and the second native language. The article deals with the term "competency of audiovisual perception", its definition and three target levels. The paper analyzes the results of empirical and theoretical work on difficulties and strategies aimed at overcoming them during audiovisual perception, and shows the differences between the difficulties and strategies of the members of the group of audiovisual perception and listening comprehension. Based on the detailed description of the scientific-theoretical work and the results of empirical research, conclusions are drawn on the subject of the research, namely, the difficulties and strategies of audiovisual perception. The results of the analysis are presented in the light of the novelty and relevance of the research, identified in the introduction. Scientifically-theoretical classifications of visual and audiovisual comprehension strategies were not suitable for use in empirical studies. Visual and audiovisual strategies were generated inductively with retrospective data collected and used as objective categories for the analysis of these data. In addition, the aspects of audiovisual perception that are interesting for further research are explained and discussed.
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