
  • O. V. Dzykovych
  • O.O. Turysheva


Ключові слова:

country study, grammar, grammar teaching, educational games, motivation


Presented article contains empirical considerations about effective teaching of grammar. Impulses, suggested in the publication, are designed to help teachers diverse and optimize the learning of grammatical material by thematic country-specific content. Authors point the difficulties that students face while the acquirement of grammatical material and those closely connected with motivation. One of the solutions of the presented problem is the usage of didactic games on the grammar lesson and the orientation on their country-specific thematic content. Authors suggest scripts of certain didactic games due to which not only the grammatical material is learnt but certain country-specific topics are presented as well. This attempt of unconventional combination of two integral components of the foreign language lesson is able not only to provide it with the integrated nature but makes it diversified and, moreover, interesting for the learners, what, in its turn, provides the efficiency of the educational process and acquiring of the material.



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