
  • Iryna Sydorenko


Ключові слова:

literary text, author’s idiostyle, lingvostylistic research, scientific approach, author's speech model


The article highlights peculiarities of the author’s individual style investigation as a part of literary text stylistics. Main attention is given to the approaches to individual style study and its place in linguistic researches of literary texts. The research aim is obtained with the help of scientific methods: generalization, conceptualization and comparison of the directions of idiostyle study in order to define the most appropriate approach for outlining the idiostylistic peculiarities of the literary texts authors. The analysis of early and current publications exploring the idiostylistic peculiarities of the author’s speech is presented. Ten basic tendencies in idiostyle investigation are separated, analyzed and compared. The conducted exploring provides the possibility to reveal that studying the language of literary texts through the prism of the author's speech analysis is one of the most relevant tasks of modern linguistics. A comparative analysis indicates that one of the most common areas of its study today is the analysis of the author's conceptual sphere in combination with the study of stylistic techniques, syntax and individual vocabulary. The combination of several approaches within a single study makes it possible to describe the peculiarities of idiostyle of a literary text writer and provide a complete understanding of the selection and synthesis principles of linguistic means by a certain author, reveal the prevailing features and outline a prototype of the individual speech model. The prospect of research is considered in defining the approaches to the author’s idiostyle study in dramatic genre.


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